Abbey the Artist
My friends at Urban Garden Prints have written a lovely bio for me below (which I cannot take credit for the beautiful wordsmithing). What I can tell you is that I like beauty, and to paint with Jesus, and put scriptures on the back of my art, so that The word and hope of the gospel gets out into the world. I’m also a teacher and life coach of 15 years, so naturally I love sharing my studio with clients! xx Abbey
“Abbey Mueller has masterfully tapped into the quintessential leisure and affluence of coastal life, drawing inspiration from the iconic photography of Slim Aarons. Aarons, renowned for his ability to capture the glamorous lives of the elite, has found a spirited successor in Mueller, whose paintings breathe life into the static opulence of high society gatherings. Mueller's collection is more than just art; it's an invitation to an endless summer where the sun kisses the horizon, and the days blend seamlessly into nights filled with laughter and good company.
Abbey's insight into the work of Slim Aarons unveils a deeper understanding of what truly constitutes the essence of being 'the finest.' Abbey suggests that beyond the allure of wealth and leisure, the fruits of the spirit are what genuinely imbue a person with a sense of finesse and nobility. These virtues represent a spiritual wealth that surpasses material and aesthetic values. This perspective encourages a shift from valuing external appearances and material success to appreciating the beauty of character and the richness of the Holy Spirit. While the glamorous lives captured by Slim Aarons offer a snapshot of a certain kind of beauty and allure, Abbey's reflection points us toward a deeper, more enduring form of excellence. It's a call to recognize and aspire to the qualities that truly enrich our lives and the lives of those around us, setting a foundation for a spiritual legacy that outlives material wealth and transient beauty.” - Marty